Source code for commodity.type_

# -*- coding:utf-8; tab-width:4; mode:python -*-

import inspect

[docs]def checked_type(cls, val): '''If 'val' is a instance of 'cls' returns 'val'. Otherwise raise TypeError. >>> checked_type(int, 3) 3 >>> checked_type((str, int), '4') '4' >>> checked_type(str, 5) TypeError: str is required, not int: '5'. ''' if isinstance(val, cls): return val if isinstance(cls, tuple): expected = str.join(', ', [x.__name__ for x in cls]) else: expected = cls.__name__ raise TypeError("{0} is required, not {1}: '{2}'.".format( expected, val.__class__.__name__, val))
[docs]def module_to_dict(module): '''Return module global vars as a dict''' return dict([(k, v) for k, v in module.__dict__.items() if not k.startswith('__') and not inspect.ismodule(v)])