Source code for commodity.str_

# -*- coding:utf-8; tab-width:4; mode:python -*-

import sys
import string
import tempfile

[docs]def add_prefix(prefix, items): ''' Add a common prefix to all strings of a list: >>> add_prefix('pre-', ['black', 'red', 'orange']) ['pre-black', 'pre-red', 'pre-orange'] ''' return [prefix + i for i in items]
[docs]def convert_to_string(obj, encoding='utf-8'): ''' Returns an encoded string from unicode or string. ''' assert isinstance(obj, (str, unicode)), type(obj) if isinstance(obj, unicode): return obj.encode(encoding, 'replace') return obj
# FIXME: add an example in the docstring
[docs]class TreeRender(object): @classmethod def draw(cls, sequence, func, connector='', level=0, args=[]): retval = '' lon = len(sequence) for i, item in enumerate(sequence): brother = cls.norm_brother parent = cls.norm_parent if lon == i + 1: brother = cls.last_brother parent = cls.last_parent retval += func(item, connector + parent, connector + brother, level + 1, *args) return retval
[docs]class UTF_TreeRender(TreeRender): ''' Draws an ASCII art tree with UTF characters. ''' norm_brother = u'├─' last_brother = u'└─' norm_parent = u'│ ' last_parent = u' '
[docs]class ASCII_TreeRender(TreeRender): ''' Draws an ASCII-art tree just with ASCII characters. norm_brother = '+-' ''' last_brother = '`-' norm_parent = '| ' last_parent = ' '
[docs]class Printable(object): ''' Class mixin that provides a __str__ method from the __unicode__ method. ''' def __repr__(self): return str(self) def __str__(self): if sys.version_info < (3, 0): return unicode(self).encode('utf-8', 'replace') return self.__unicode__() def __unicode__(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class TemplateFile(object): ''' Render a template (given as string or input file) and renders it with a dict over a string, given filename or tempfile. >>> t = TemplateFile('$who likes $what') >>> t.render(dict(who='kate', what='rice')) 'kate likes rice' ''' def __init__(self, template): self.template = string.Template(template) @classmethod def from_file(self, filename): with file(filename) as fd: return TemplateFile( def render(self, values): return self.template.substitute(**values) def render_to_file(self, values, filename): with file(filename, 'wt') as fd: fd.write(self.render(values)) def render_to_tempfile(self, values): fd, filename = tempfile.mkstemp() self.render_to_file(values, filename) return filename