Source code for commodity.log

# -*- coding:utf-8; tab-width:4; mode:python -*-

import logging
import functools
import inspect

from .path import child_relpath

[docs]class NullHandler(logging.Handler): def emit(self, record): pass
[docs]class CapitalLoggingFormatter(logging.Formatter): '''Define variable "levelcapital" for message formating. You can do things like: [EE] foo bar >>> formatter = CapitalLoggingFormatter('[%(levelcapital)s] %(message)s') >>> console = logging.StreamHandler() >>> console.setFormatter(formatter) ''' def format(self, record): record.levelcapital = record.levelname[0] * 2 return logging.Formatter.format(self, record)
[docs]class CallerData(object): """Get info about caller function, file, line and statement >>> def a(): ... return b() >>> >>> def b(): ... print CallerData() >>> >>> a() File "<stdin>", line 2, in a() return b() """ def __init__(self, depth=0): frame = inspect.stack()[2 + depth] self.filename = child_relpath(inspect.getfile(frame[0])) self.line = inspect.getlineno(frame[0]) self.funcname = frame[0].f_code.co_name try: self.statement = frame[4][0].strip() except TypeError: self.statement = None def __str__(self): return 'File "{0}", line {1}, in {2}()\n {3}'.format( self.filename, self.line, self.funcname, self.statement)
[docs]class UniqueFilter(logging.Filter): """Log messages are allowed through just once. The 'message' includes substitutions, but is not formatted by the handler. If it were, then practically all messages would be unique! from: """ def __init__(self, name=""): logging.Filter.__init__(self, name) self.reset() def reset(self): """Act as if nothing has happened.""" self.__logged = {} def filter(self, rec): """logging.Filter.filter performs an extra filter on the name.""" return logging.Filter.filter(self, rec) and self.__is_first_time(rec) def __is_first_time(self, rec): """Emit a message only once.""" try: msg = rec.msg % (rec.args) except TypeError: msg = rec.msg if msg in self.__logged: self.__logged[msg] += 1 return False else: self.__logged[msg] = 1 return True
[docs]class PrefixLogger(logging.Logger): def __init__(self, logger, prefix): super(PrefixLogger, self).__init__( self.logger = logger self.prefix = prefix for name in ['debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error', 'critical']: method = getattr(logger, name) setattr(self, name, functools.partial(self.log_prefix, method)) def log_prefix(self, method, msg, *args): method(self.prefix + msg, *args)